
Paul's Ti Belt Drive 29+ hardtail MTB


Fresh from the oven.....Paul’s titanium singlespeed belt drive 29+ MTB. The art of bread making is alive and well on Gabriola Island. Paul’s bread 🥖 is filled with flavour and nutrients. His bike pays homage to the wheat 🌾 sheaf, the millstone and the baker who rides the bike. Anodized wheat 🌾 Gold. Next time you’re on Gabriola, we strongly recommend trying Paul’s fresh bread. So gooood! 

Louis' Ti 27+ Hardtail MTB


Louis’ Titanium 27+ fully rigid singlespeed belt drive hardtail. Headed to New York for some East Coast trails. Weighing in at under 20lbs. With Gates Carbon Belt Drive, Whisky carbon fork, SRAM, Derby rims, Chris King, Maxxis Recon, and Race Face components.  #nakedbicycles #custombicycle #singlespeeddreams #27plus #titanium #hardtailmtb #fullyrigid #beltdrive #gatescarbondrive #whiskypartsco