Lyle's "gotta get behind the mule" Gravel Stallion

We get to be good friends with a lot of our customers and I always love a visit from Lyle. His enthusiasm and openness to life is infectious. You’re a good one buddy. Lyle was last seen grinning through the jungled pastures of northern Vancouver Island on either of his naked galloping donkeys stirring his brandy with a nail.
Tom waits says it better than I can:

Gotta get behind the Mule
In the morning and plow
Dusty trail from Atchison to Placerville
On the wreck of the Weaverville stage
Beaula fired on Beatty for a lemonade
I was stirring my brandy with a nail boys
Stirring my brandy with a nail
Gotta get behind the Mule
In the morning and plow
Well the rampaging sons of the widow James
Jack the cutter and the pock marked kid
Had to stand naked at the bottom
Of the cross
And tell the good lord what they did
Tell the good lord what they did
Gotta get behind the Mule
In the morning and plow

#nakedbicycles #titaniumbicycles #gravelbike