⭐️ Alan’s Zooropa space baby titanium Gravel bike. Built up with GRX Di2. ENVE fork, G3 rims, handlebars, stem and seatpost. Chris King hubs, BB and headset. King titanium cages and Wolf Tooth orange bits ⭐️
#nakedbicycles #titaniumbicycles #gravelbike
Elton's Ti Gr
Elton’s ti gravel machine. 1x gearing range. Flat mount disc brakes. 3x water bottle mounts. ENVE adventure fork. Clean sandblasted finish with white decals.
Buildkit includes Shimano GRX, Cane Creek Eewing titanium cranks and T47 BB, Wolf Tooth 38T 🦷 chainring and headset, Chris King HED Belgium G wheelset, WTB Resolute 42 tyres, ENVE 44cm handlebar and Lynskey ti post.
#nakedbicycles #titaniumbicycles #custombicycle #gravelbike #gnarmac #groad #vancouverbound
Sutik's Ti 29+ MTB
Sutik's Ti 29+ hardtail. 1x gearing range. Dropper post. 4 water bottle mounts. Fender and rack mounts. Finished with oil slick fade anodizing. Sleek. This bike is exploring places.
With Enve rigid MTB Boost fork for 29+, Shimano XT, Magura brakes, Race Face cranks, Wolf Tooth headset, Chris King BB, Industry Nine Enduro 355 Carbon Hydra wheels, Bontrager XR2 29x3" tires, OneUp 35mm Carbon handlebar, i9 A35 silver body purple faceplate stem, 9point8 Faultline dropper post, King Cage Ti cages, and Wolf Tooth purple bits.
Brent's Ti Ar
And life still continues and bikes slowly roll out the door. Big thanks to the fellas for putting in such hard work and excellent craftsmanship.
Fresh from the shop is Brent’s titanium all road bike setup 1x. Built up with Shimano GRX mechanical, Chris King HED Belgium+ wheels, Maxxis Rambler tires, ENVE cockpit, and Wolf Tooth headset.
Headed to the mighty state of Michigan.
#nakedbicycles #custombicycle #titaniumbicycles #sandedlogo #polishedlogo #allroadbicycle
Emilie's Cx/Gr
This one is for Emilie ! One of the most generous, loveable, toughest folks we know ⭐️
Emilie’s Cx/Gr titanium frame includes the new Paragon FM slider dropouts. Currently setup for gears, it can be converted to single speed ready to tear up the cyclocross season.
Buildkit includes ENVE Gravel 47 carbon fork, Shimano GRX for Di2, Easton chainrings, Astral Wanderlust carbon wheels, ENVE gravel 44cm handlebar, and Wolf Tooth gold headset and bolts.
#nakedbicycles #cyclocross #gravel #combo #custombicycle #titaniumbike #custompaint
Philip's Ti Ar
Philip’s titanium All Road bike. Frame finished with polished and anodized maple leaves on the top tube and seatpost. Personal crest polished on the top of the DT.
Built up with ENVE Gravel 47mm carbon fork, Shimano Ultegra for Di2, Chris King blue i7 headset, ENVE cockpit, Lynsey ti seatpost, King titanium cage and Wolf tooth bolts.
Headed to Japan 🇯🇵
#nakedbicycles #custombicycle #titaniumbicycles #allroadbicycle #japanbound #polishedtitanium #anodizedtitanium
Paul's Ti Gr
Paul’s ti gravel machine. With ENVE Gravel 50mm carbon fork. Shimano GRX mechanical. Wolf Tooth red headset, bolts and binder. PLT Discover 44cm bar and King titanium cages.
Frame is finished with custom maple leaf polished/red paint combo on the seat tube and white logos all around.
#nakedbicycles #custombikes #custombicycles #titaniumbicycles #gravelbike #groad #irideenve #wolftoothcomponents #shimanogravel #mapleleaf #polishedtitanium
James' Ti Gr
James’ titanium Gravel rig with extra mounts on the frame for 3rd water bottle and bento box. Equipped with ENVE adventure fork, Shimano GRX Di2 groupo, Chris King i7 headset and ENVE cockpit.
This bike is going places.
#nakedbicycles #irideenve #shimanogravel #chriskingbuzz #custombicycles #titaniumbicycle #gravelbike #groadslikethese
Dan's Ti 29er MTB
Dan’s Ti hardtail 29er with Fox 34 140 suspension fork. Built up with Shimano XT groupo. 9point8 dropper post. Race Face Turbine crankset, Next R handlebar and Turbine stem. Wolf Tooth green headset, binder and bolts. Blackspire 30T green cinch boost chainring. Industry Nine Hydra BC360 wheelset with Cushcore in the rear.
Yukon bound.
#nakedbicycles #custombicycle #titaniumhardtail #hardtail #29er
Helen's Ti AR
Helen’s titanium All Road bike. With Deda gravel fork, Shimano drivetrain and Easton crankset, Wolf Tooth headset, Rolf Elan disc wheelset with colourful hubs and chrome logos, Maxxis Speed Terrain tires, and ENVE carbon road bar 38mm.
Headed off on great world adventures this Spring 🏔
#nakedbicycles #custombicycle #titaniumbicycle #allroad #allroadbike #lighttouring #mountainbound